Never Quit on Your Dreams!
It happened again today.
A well-meaning person looked at what they see to be my
circumstances from their point-of-view and said, “Why don’t you just quit that
and do something else?”
We’re going to pretend that this wasn’t a person who has a
lifestyle that I’ve always viewed as sad, at best, but I digress…
This reminded me of when the Apostle Peter told Jesus, “Lord
you will not suffer this fate.”
Jesus’ reply?
“Get behind me, Satan!”
When I was younger and first read that account, I thought, “Man,
Jesus! That was harsh! Satan, though??”
Now, that I’m older and have a deeper understanding of what
the account meant, I realized some things.
I started thinking about the behavior patterns of Satan as
described in the Bible.
He was the ultimate hater.
His main life goal was throwing shade, tripping people up using things
that they liked or felt that they needed. Just all-around negativity.
Anything leading to death in any form.
Really, isn’t that what saying anything other than something
positive would do? Kill a dream?
But, realize that Jesus didn’t say, “Peter, you trippin’.”
He realized that this was NOT in Peter’s character, so he
didn’t speak to Peter; he spoke to the force operating through Peter.
So, don’t blame your loved ones and friends for not
“They know not what they do.”
I also started thinking about how tempting Jesus should have
seemed like an exercise in futility.
He was the Son of God!
Creator of the whole universe!
Not in the Beyonce kind
of way. But, literally not a single
Healer of everyone.
I bet he was fine, too.
But, nonetheless, he was tried!
To test his resolve.
If ever there was someone committed to a cause, a higher
purpose, a necessary evil, it was Jesus.
So, what makes you think that you and I, with our little
dream, will not be tried??
When I was tried this morning, I had an answer right away of
why I will NEVER quit.
Do you have your answer readily on the tip of your tongue?
What a lot of people do is listen to and start believing the
They give up on their dreams, if not wholly, but slowly.
One less phone call made.
One less work of art created.
This is where creative blocks come from many times.
But, why should you stay with it?
Because life is about using every bit of your creativity,
talents, skills, and heart to make this world better. Some way, somehow.
Because visionaries with follow through are few and far
And mostly because the very people who are saying these
things are really watching you.
They are only saying what they think they are supposed to
say to help you not destroy your life, be irresponsible, etc.
But, deep down, in the person that they truly are, they want
you to win.
Remember that the next time someone says something
contradictory to where you are going.
Use it as an opportunity to do a checkup from the neck up
and be even more relentless.
I believe in you.
I mean, it’s not like you’re saving the world, but you’re
saving the world.
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